Welcome back Spring! This season brings warmer weather, new buds on the trees and deep cleaning to refresh your home after a long, stuffy Winter. Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition for many American families who devote a weekend to let in the fresh air of Spring, deep clean floors and cleaning your windows, inside and out.
While methods used for cleaning windows vary from person to person (everyone has their own technique), a good cleaning will remove dust, pollen and other outdoor materials that build up over time. If not cleaned on a regular basis, the debris buildup can potentially damage window tracks. Energy Shield Window & Door Company of Arizona recommends cleaning your windows at least twice a year.
If you're dreading a huge pile of wadded up paper towels, noxious cleaner fumes and extreme exertion to only achieve mediocre results, you're not alone. To save you time and elbow grease, we would like to offer the following step-by-step instructions for Spring cleaning windows like a pro.
Window Cleaning Supplies
There are all kinds of window cleaners on the market, but the best solution of dish soap and warm water is safe around pets, simple and extremely effective. For optimal results, you will also need a squeegee to make your windows shine.
Window cleaning supplies list:
- 6 Gallon Bucket (a rectangular-shaped bucket the best)
- 4 to 5 Gallons of Warm Water
- 1 Squirt of Dish Soap (we recommend Dawn)
- Hand-held Sponge
- Squeegee Tool
- Lint-Free Rag or Chamois
To get started to fill your bucket with warm water then add just a squirt of dishwashing liquid. Use your squeegee to gently incorporate the soap - the key is to avoid making the water too sudsy.
3 Step Pro Window Cleaning Method
Professional window cleaners make it look easy, and really, it is easy. With these uncomplicated techniques, both the inside and outside windows will refresh your entire home. Do the outside windows first to remove the bulk of the accumulated dirt and grime. Then do the inside windows, any water spots or stubborn grime left outside will be easier to see.
#1 Prewash to Remove Debris and Grime
To loosen and remove dirt and debris without scratching the glass, use your sponge to give the glass and frames a good washing. A synthetic sponge will work but we prefer a natural sponge because they are more absorbent and tend to remain firmer than a synthetic sponge.
- For either pane windows or large picture windows - work the sponge from left to right, then top to bottom.
- Pay special attention to the corners - be sure to work the edge of your sponge into each corner to loosen the dirt and debris.
- Take the time to wring-out your sponge - as needed, wring-out and re-wet the sponge in the warm water solution to avoid spreading the dirt around.
- For inside windows - after finishing the outside windows, repeat the prewash inside. Be sure to lay down a towel to catch any drips.
#2 Squeegee Time
After the prewash, use your squeegee to clear away the cleaning solution. You will need a lint-free rag like a cloth diaper or old t-shirt on hand to wipe the squeegee after each pass.
- For windows with larger panes of glass, begin by pulling the squeegee across the soapy glass with a smooth but firm continuous swipe in a reverse s-pattern.
- For pane windows, pull your squeegee from top to bottom of each pane in a single, firm stroke.
- For right-handed individuals, start at the top left. For lefties, start at the top right.
- Remember to wipe the squeegee blade with your cloth after each pass, continue removing the soapy water until you are done.
- Then take a clean lint-free rag or chamois (wet with clean warm water and wring out well) to wipe away any remaining spots, work out any streaks and to wipe down the window frame and seals.
Note: If your squeegee is not moving smoothly with a squeaking sound, you need more warm water soap solution.
#3 Spot Check
Many people swear by using a crumpled-up newspaper to give freshly cleaned windows a final buff. But, this is an unnecessary step with the above pro methods. After you have finished the outside windows, you will begin working your way around, cleaning the inside windows.
- Be sure to lay a towel down in front of the window as you are working. When you have finished each window, any lingering or stubborn spots will be easy to see.
- It is a lifesaver to have a window cleaning partner on the opposite side of the glass directing the spot cleaning.
- For stubborn grime, you can prepare a paste-like mixture of baking soda or Barkeeps Friend and a little water. Use a clean cloth to gently scrub the spot with the paste and rinse with your sponge, squeegee and wipe. Et voila!
There is nothing quite like the incredible improvement a cleaned window can make in your home to welcome Spring and all of its beautiful, sprouting colors.
In addition to improving your view, maintaining your windows will prevent unnecessary damage or wear on the tracks and locks to help stay in good working order for the life of your windows.
Welcome Spring with New Energy-Efficient Replacement Windows
Older windows are harder to clean and are actually costing you money! New premium vinyl technology replacement windows from Energy Shield Window & Door Company are made in the USA and are certified ®energy-efficient with heat reflective glass to help keep your home cooler in the harsh Arizona heat for big savings on your energy bill. We have been providing The Grand Canyon State residents and business owners with the highest quality factory direct windows and doors for over 20 years. Give us a call at (623) 936-3758 or stop by our showroom located at 725 N. 73rd Ave, Ste. 116, Phoenix, Arizona to see how our specially-designed windows can improve your quality of life.